Making progress in understanding the uneven distribution of HIV infection: lessons learned from the priorities for local AIDS control efforts "PLACE" method
Sharon Weir, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jacqueline E. Tate, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Relatively simple epidemiologic models of the HIV epidemic identify 3 key determinants of the size and shape of HIV epidemics: the probability of exposure, the probability of transmission given exposure, and the duration of infectiousness. In this paper, we present estimates of several factors affecting the probability of exposure to HIV, specifically, the rate of new sexual partner acquisition, the extent of partner concurrency, and the extent of sexual mixing. Estimates are obtained using the PLACE “Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts” method in 13 target geographic areas in 9 countries. Results show that new and concurrent sexual partnership rates are much higher in these areas than rates obtained from national population based surveys. The findings provide useful insight into the within and between country differences in key underlying factors that may account for differences in the HIV epidemic.
Presented in Session 116: Determinants of STDs including HIV/AIDS