The application of household and network approaches to the study of internal migration: case study in Java, Indonesia
Ekawati Wahyuni, Bogor Agricultural University
The study of the impact of migration on family life has to be carried out, in both destination and origin areas, and by applying a combination of quantitative and qualitative research and data collection methods. The selection of research location in origin areas was based on the analysis of migration using macro data such as population censuses, while the province of destination was decided following the result of the data analysis in origin area. Household survey and qualitative interviews have been taken as the main data collection methods in the origin area, while direct observation and qualitative interviews were mostly used to collect data in the destination area. A ‘tracing’ method was used and some adjustment in household and migrant definitions has been applied. To study of the networking process among non-permanent migrants in the city, a qualitative method in data collection and analysis as well as in reporting has been applied.
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Presented in Session 23: Data and methods in the study of internal migration