Male involvement in reproductive health concerns: the Philippine experience
Normita Galban, University of the Philippines
Men have their own rights, right to be informed about matters related to their reproductive health. The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo Program of Action stated clearly about the importance of male involvement. The objectives of this paper are: (1.) to describe what transpired in the past ten years in terms of the commitment to male involvement in the Philippines, (2.)to review efforts by stakeholders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) , and Governmental Organizations (GOs) efforts in terms of male involvement in the reproductive health in the country, (3.) the paper will expound on the existing debate about male involvement vis a vis women empowerment in a patriarchal country like the Philippines. From the analysis above, it will generate explanation and the future options and actions in terms of male involvement in the Philippines.
Presented in Session 101: Male involvement in reproductive health programmes