Implication of the nutritional status at birth on the development and mental ability of young persons
Kálmán Joubert, Demographic Research Institute, Budapest
Éva Gárdos, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
According to the current knowledge the rate of growth and development of a child is determined by socio-economic, nutritional and lifestyle factors effective during the childhood. The survey results related to 18-year-old conscripts demonstrate that the nutritional status at birth and all the factors responsible for that are determining the survival chances. Moreover they have an influence on the body development, mental performance and understanding as long as the adulthood does not come though. The categories of nutrition at birth are defined according to the 10th and 90th percentile values of birth data, 1990-1996 (Joubert, 2000): SGA - birth weight small for gestational age; AGA - birth weight appropriate for gestational age; LGA - birth weight large for gestational age; (Battaglia & Lubchenco 1967). The findings attract attention to the long-term effects of maternal health behaviour.
Presented in Poster Session 2