Thursday, July 21 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM   •   Auditorium Pierre de Ronsard

Session 105:
European population day. Reproduction and family structures. Round table 3. Family policies and legislation

Chair: Julien Damon, Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales
Chair: Didier Breton, Université de Strasbourg 2

  1. Family and the European Social PolicyConstantinos Fotakis, Commission Européenne, DG emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances

  2. Political and legal resolutions to protect children (1)Jean Pierre Rosenczveig, Tribunal de grande instance de Bobigny

  3. Political and legal resolutions to protect children (2)Ann-Magritt Jensen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  4. Family law and parenthood in Europe: the example of the European Court of Human RightsIrène Thery, SHADY/EHESS

  5. The political and social approach of youthful pregnancies in EuropeAnne Daguerre, Middlesex University

Other sessions on Fertility, families and households