Friday, July 22 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM   •   Auditorium François 1er

Session 133:
Adolescent sexuality and contraception

Chair: Jacqueline E. Darroch, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  1. Why do young people use or not use condoms at first sexual intercourse? A qualitative study in Mexico CityCicely A. Marston, Imperial College

  2. The influence of social connectedness and monitoring on adolescent sexual activity in GhanaAkwasi Kumi-Kyereme, University of Cape Coast ; Kofi Awusabo, University of Cape Coast ; Ann E. Biddlecom, The Alan Guttmacher Institute

  3. Understanding teenage pregnancy decision making and family formation process: a Czech Republic qualitative studyRenata Vašková, Charles University, Prague

  4. Adolescents’ self identities and sexual debutMonica A. Longmore, Bowling Green State University ; Wendy D. Manning, Bowling Green State University ; Peggy C. Giordano, Bowling Green State University

  5. Gender differences in the factors influencing consistent condom use among young people in TanzaniaStella Babalola, Johns Hopkins University

Other sessions on Reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and STDs