Session 137:
Urbanisation, environment and development
Chair: George Martine, Independent Consultant
Economic growth, population changes and residential energy consumption in China Leiwen Jiang, Brown University
Urbanisation, development, and environmental quality: insights from coastal Ghana Michael J. White, Brown University ; Scott Nixon, University of Rhode Island
The distribution of people and the dimension of place: methodologies to improve the global estimation of urban extents Deborah Balk, Columbia University ; Francesca Pozzi, Columbia University ; Gregory Yetman, Columbia University ; Uwe Deichmann, World Bank Group ; Andrew Nelson, University of Leeds
Sao Paulo peri-urban dynamics: some social causes and environmental consequences Haroldo Torres, CEBRAP ; Humberto Alves, CEBRAP ; Maria Aparecida Oliveira, CEBRAP
Other sessions on Environment, biology and genetics