Session 156:
Induced abortion (2)
Chair: Nathalie Bajos, INSERM
Characteristics of women seeking abortion services and post-abortion care in Nigerian hospitals Stanley K. Henshaw, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Isaac Adewole, Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP) ; Susheela D. Singh, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Akinrinola Bankole, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Boniface Oye-Adeniran, Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP) ; Rubina Hussain, The Alan Guttmacher Institute ; Gilda Sedgh, The Alan Guttmacher Institute
Sex selective abortion in India: some empirical evidence Leela Visaria, Gujarat Institute of Development Research
Son preference and induced abortion in rural China: findings from the 2001 National Reproductive Health Survey Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Yan Wei, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Marcus W. Feldman, Stanford University
Sex-selective abortions: evidence from rural East China Wei Chen, People's University of China
Induced abortion in the Caucasus republics: a detailed analysis Howard Goldberg, Global Health Division of Reproductive Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Florina I. Serbanescu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Other sessions on Reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and STDs