Session 162:
Population and environment
Chair: Landis MacKellar, IIASA
Discussant: Alex de Sherbinin, Columbia University
Human fertility declines with higher population density Wolfgang Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) ; Maria Rita Testa, Vienna Institute of Demography ; Dustin Penn, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Mortality as a factor shaping household use of natural resources in rural South Africa Lori M. Hunter, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Wayne Twine, University of the Witwatersrand ; Aaron Johnson, University of Colorado at Boulder
Integrating projections of households, energy use and carbon emissions for the United States Michael Dalton, California State University, Monterey Bay ; Brian C. O'Neill, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) ; Leiwen Jiang, Brown University ; John Pitkin, Analysis and Forecasting, Inc.
Mediating factors and deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia: a mixed-method analysis John Sydenstricker-Neto, Cornell University
Other sessions on Environment, biology and genetics