Session 28:
Time use data and analysis
Chair: Suzanne M. Bianchi, University of Maryland
Unstructured time and life spaces: risks or opportunities for a new freedom? Survey carried out among young Malians Claudine E.M. Sauvain-Dugerdil, Université de Genève ; Gilbert Ritschard, Université de Genève
The effects of the family work day on the family time Laurent Lesnard, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE)
Time pressure and cross-national inequality Liana C. Sayer, Ohio State University ; Judith Treas, University of California, Irvine
Children, mother and father time management and perception of stress: families in a rush Elsa Fontainha, ISEG - Technical University of Lisbon
Time-use and the satisfaction of human wants: the international context Jonathan Gershuny, University of Essex
Other sessions on Qualitative and quantitative methods, data and theories, and other sessions.