Session 33:
Negotiation, communication and decision-making within couples in developing countries
Chair: Eliya M. Zulu, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Discussant: Ann E. Biddlecom, The Alan Guttmacher Institute
Women's autonomy and male involvement in antenatal care: associations and tensions Britta C. Mullany, Johns Hopkins University ; Michelle J. Hindin, Johns Hopkins University
Does women's relative income predict contraceptive use in Ghana? An assessment using bargaining theory Ayaga A. Bawah, Navrongo Health Research Centre ; James F. Phillips, Population Council ; George Wak, Navrongo Health Research Centre
He said, she said: husband-wife agreement, power relations, and contraceptive use in Turkey Andrzej Kulczycki, University of Alabama at Birmingham
The effects of social networks on suspicion and infidelity among married couples in rural Malawi Shelley Clark, University of Chicago
Other sessions on Fertility, families and households