Session 71:
Life course transitions in developed countries
Chair: Anne H. Gauthier, University of Calgary
Discussant: Frank Furstenberg, University of Pennsylvania
Education and the transition to motherhood: a comparative analysis of Western Europe Dimiter Philipov, Vienna Institute of Demography
Similarities and differences between two cohorts of young Italian people: the result of a CATI survey on transition to adulthood Stefano Mazzuco, Università di Padova ; Letizia Mencarini, University of Florence ; Rosella Rettaroli, Università di Messina
Becoming a parent in Canada: the impact of prolonged education Germain Bingoly-Liworo, Université de Montréal (Département de démographie) ; Evelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk, Université de Montréal
Leaving the parental home in Poland Kamil Sienkiewicz, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Other sessions on Children and youth