Thursday, July 21 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM   •   Salle Condorcet

Session 90:
European Population Day. International Migrations. Round Table 1. Can the migration movements of the years to come be predicted?

Chair: Robert Toubon, Equilibres et populations
Chair: Guy Desplanques, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE)

  1. Consequences of the Europe’s migration openness: the example of RomaniaGheorgiu Dorel, INSSE - Institul National de Statistica

  2. Consequences of the Europe’s migration openness: the example of TurkeyAhmet Icduygu, Koc University

  3. Changes in the African migrationsMohamed Charef, Université Ibn Zohr

  4. Immigration as an element of population dynamicsDavid A. Coleman, University of Oxford

  5. Changes in the level of training of migrantsRosa Aparacio, Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones

  6. Histoire et atlas des migrations dans le monde : les réfugiés et les migrants volontairesCatherine Wihtol de Wenden, Centre d'études et de recherche internationales (CERI)

Other sessions on International migration