
Child demand, sexuality and fertility among men: thirty years of evolution among a highly polygamous population in rural Senegal

Emmanuelle Guyavarch, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

The population of Bandafassi (Senegal) has been under continuous demographic surveillance for over 30 years now. Demographic events have been regularly recorded and several surveys on marriage, sexuality and fertility were conducted. The communication estimate the level and trend of male fertility and examine whether there had been any evolution. Male fertility is also compared to female fertility. They are quite different in relation with the high prevalence of polygamy among the population (there are 170 married women for 100 married men). The population is made up of three ethnic groups; we investigate into whether their behaviours in sexuality, marriage and fertility are different, and if they are, what factors come into play. Last, we look also for any evolution about child demand among men, and examine to what extent they are willing to limit the number of their children.

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Presented in Session 166: Male sexuality and contraception