Political demography of the Republic of Korea: cohort, gender, regionalism, and citizens' movement in election democracy
Eui Hang Shin, University of South Carolina
Political Demography of South Korea: Cohort, Gender, Regionalism, and Citizens’ Movement in Election Democracy Abstract The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influenced the results of the April 15, 2004 parliamentary election in South Korea. In addition to a backlash after the impeachment of President Roh Moo Hyun by a coalition of opposition parties in the National Assembly (NA), generational and regional differences in the party voters supported and the “defeat movement” of citizens’ organizations had significant effects on the election processes. Thirty nine women members will serve in the 17th NA, the largest number ever, and the left-wing Democratic Labor Party became the third largest party. Generational and ideological shifts in the power elites seem to be evident in the election results. The 17th NA election appears to be an election revolution and a definitive movement toward the consolidation of democracy in South Korea.
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Presented in Poster Session 3