Can improvements in client-provider interaction be sustained?
Nahla Abdel-Tawab, Population Council
A global study conducted under FRONTIERS Program in 1999 – 2002 showed an intervention package composed of system-oriented, provider-oriented and client-oriented interventions to have a positive impact on client-provider interaction (CPI) in a sample of family planning clinics in Egypt. The present assessment measures sustainability of improved CPI three years after withdrawal of the study team; identifies aspects of the intervention that are most / least likely to be sustained as well as factors that facilitate / hinder sustainability of improved CPI. The assessment is conducted in a subsample of clinics that participated in the above study and uses in-depth interviews with service providers, supervisors as well as observation of a sample of FP consultations. Results of this assessment will be shared with policy makers and programmers for their feedback. The paper will present findings of the assessment as well recommendations for scaling up of more sustainable and effective interventions.
See paper
Presented in Session 104: Quality of care in reproductive health (1)