
Determinants of child malnutrition in Nepal: a case analysis from Dhanusha, Central Terai of Nepal

Nepali Sah, Save the Children

The purpose of this research is to predict the effect of various independent variables on underweight and stunting of children. An analytic sample of 860 children under age three for anthropometric, and healthcare and feeding was drawn from the Final Evaluation Survey of Child Nutrition Program in Dhanusha in 2003. Logistic regression and multiple classification analysis techniques in SPSS were used to predict the effects of various independent variables on stunting and underweight malnutrition. The analysis found that older age children and children whose mothers are illiterate are more likely to be underweight and stunted. Children from families who do not discard rice scum are more advantageous to be welnourished. Colostrum feeding and suffering from diarrhoea have significant effect on underweight but not on stunting. The analysis shows further need of research to see the effect rice scum, colostrum feeding and suffering from diarrhoea on nutrition status of children.

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Presented in Session 146: Children health