Friday, July 22 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM   •   Salle Condorcet

Session 146:
Children health

Chair: Catherine Rollet, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

  1. Child disability in some countries of the Mena region: magnitude, characteristics, problems and attempts to alleviate consequences of impairmentsOsman El Hasan Nour, King Saud University

  2. Family structure, socio-economic status and child outcomes in Brazil: health, education and labour in the childhoodAna Oliveira, CEDEPLAR/UFMG ; Andre J. Caetano, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)

  3. Determinants of child malnutrition in Nepal: a case analysis from Dhanusha, Central Terai of NepalNepali Sah, Save the Children

  4. Indicators for monitoring health, development and well-being of Australia's childrenIndrani Pieris, Australian Institute of Health & Welfare ; Meredith Bryant, Australian Institute of Health & Welfare

  5. Spuits, stuips and saline drips: health-seeking behaviour for childhood illnesses in urban South AfricaNatalie Spark-du Preez, Loughborough University ; Paula Griffiths, Loughborough University ; Noel Cameron, Loughborough University

Other sessions on Children and youth