
Trends and determinants of inequalities in child mortality: who has been effective at reaching the poor?

Emmanuela E. Gakidou, Harvard University
Cecilia Vidal, Harvard University
Margaret Hogan, World Health Organization (WHO)
Angelica Sousa, World Health Organization (WHO)
Brian Chin, Harvard University

This paper presents an analysis of time trends in inequalities childhood mortality based on 61 Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 18 developing countries over the past 20 years. The goal of the paper is to examine trends in inequalities in child mortality and link them to their major determinants. The paper presents trends in inequalities in child mortality across income quintiles and explores why some countries have been effective in reducing child mortality inequities, while others are exhibiting an increase in income-related inequalities in child mortality. Across countries, at the same level of income, there are tremendous disparities in child mortality. We study which pro-poor policies implemented over the past two decades have been more effective at reaching the poor and also explore the role of access to health services as a potential determinant of persistent inequalities in child health.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 115: Infant and child health