Session 115:
Infant and child health
Chair: Eliwo M. Akoto, Institut De Formation Et De Recherche Demographiques (IFORD)
Economic disparity in injury morbidity and mortality among one-four year children: findings from Bangladesh health and injury survey: implication for developing countries M Sheikh Giashudddin, Center for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh ; A Rahman, Institute of Child and Mother Health ; AKMF Rahman, Institute of Child and Mother Health
Household and community socio-economic influences on early childhood malnutrition in Africa Jean-Christophe Fotso, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Barthelemy D. Kuate, Université de Montréal
Trends and determinants of inequalities in child mortality: who has been effective at reaching the poor? Emmanuela E. Gakidou, Harvard University ; Cecilia Vidal, Harvard University ; Margaret Hogan, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Angelica Sousa, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Brian Chin, Harvard University
Socio-economic inequalities linked to access to malaria care among children in rural Senegal Aurélien Franckel, Université de Paris X, Nanterre
Community-level effects on infant and child mortality in Zambia, with special attention to HIV prevalence Laurie DeRose, University of Maryland ; Veena Kulkarni, University of Maryland
Other sessions on Health and mortality