Session 35:
Cultural norms and demographic behaviour in developing countries (2)
Chair: Olivia Samuel, Université de Versailles
Culture, contraception, and population legislation: insights from the discourses on the proposed "two-child policy" in the Philippines Violeda Umali, University of the Philippines
First cousin marriages and fertility behaviour in Egypt, Turkey, and Yemen Rania Tfaily, University of Pennsylvania
Trends in indigenous fertility in Mexico, 1997 and 2003 Ana María Chávez Galindo, CRIM-UNAM ; Enrique A. González Mata, CRIM-UNAM ; Catherine Menkes, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, UNAM ; Héctor H. Hernández Bringas, CRIM-UNAM
Causes of changes in age at first-marriage, age-gaps between spouses, dowry and polygamy from 1984 to present in Kinshasa Elisabeth Kayiba Mbelu, Institut National de la Statistique
Other sessions on Gender, ethnicity, identity and culture