Poster Session 4
Projections of the dependent elderly population by age, sex and household composition in Poland Anita Abramowska, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics
Mapping elderly migration in Brazil using data of 2000 census João Francisco Abreu, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais ; Cláudio C. Machado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
The male-female gap in HIV prevalence rates in Sub-Saharan Africa Jacob A. Adetunji, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Rural-urban disparities in the health of children in Africa Jacob A. Adetunji, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Explanatory factors of school acquisitions of the pupils: evidence from Burkina-Faso Vissého Didier Adjiwanou, Université de Lomé
Disability in India: an overview Praween Kumar Agrawal, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The effect of migration on rural population ageing: the experience of Mexico Alejandro Aguirre, El Colegio de México
The demographic window by religion and ethnicity in Indonesia Aris Ananta, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ; Evi N. Arifin, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
HIV/STI testing in the 2004 Malawi Diffusion and Ideational Change Project: what did we learn? Philip A. Anglewicz, University of Pennsylvania ; Li-Wei Chao, University of Pennsylvania ; Agnes M. Chimbiri, University of Malawi ; David Chilongozi ; Irving Hoffman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Hans-Peter Kohler, University of Pennsylvania ; Francis Martinson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Georges Reniers, University of Pennsylvania ; Kirsten Smith, University of Pennsylvania
Distribution and determinants of abdominal obesity in an adult population in the district of Colombo, Sri Lanka Carukshi Arambepola, University of Colombo ; Dulitha Fernando, University of Colombo
Elderly family care situation, daily activities, housing and physical well being in Nigeria Abidemi R. Asiyanbola, Olabisi Onabanjo University
Political crises and child mortality in Rwanda Lise Beck, Université de Paris V, Sorbonne
An epidemiological understanding of acute respiratory infection among Indian children Shahina Begum, All India Institute of Medical Sciences ; Sada Nand Dwivedi, All India Institute of Medical Sciences ; Arvind Pandey, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR)
Status of human health in India: emerging issues in the era of globalisation Rudragouda Biradar, Karnatak University
Common plan for the monitoring of health status and its determinants: catalysts for the evolution of health monitoring Josée Bourdages
Child mortality among children born to HIV-infected mothers in Thailand Nelly Briand, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Sophie Le Coeur, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Marc Lallemant, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Ageing and mobility in Quebec Yves Bussière, INRS-UCS Univ. of Quebec ; Jean-Pierre Thouez, Université de Montréal
Trends in disability in France over the past two decades in light of the international context and theoretical explanations for disability patterns Emmanuelle Cambois, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Jean-Marie Robine, INSERM ; Pierre Mormiche, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE)
Rate of decline of mortality over age 60 in south-eastern Brazil, 1980-2000 Nelson Otávio Beltrão Campos Campos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Roberto Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
Intergenerational transfers among those aged 15 or over in Montezo, Côte d'Ivoire Céline Vandermeersch, UNESCO
Land use pattern and hospitalisation for chronic conditions: a spatial study on modifiable health risks in San Francisco Arpita Chattopadhyay, University of California, San Francisco ; XiaoHang Liu, San Francisco State University ; Sudip Chattopadhyay, San Francisco State University
Mortality in Quebec compared to that of developed countries Robert Choinière, Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Active life expectancy and functional health transitions among Filipino older people Grace T. Cruz, University of the Philippines ; Yasuhiko Saito, Nihon University ; Josefina Natividad, University of the Philippines
Survival strategies tested by urbanization among elderly farmers in Cameroon Pascal Daha Bouyoum, Université de Yaoundé ; David Nkweti, Université de Yaoundé ; Adonis Touko, Forum Camerounais de Psychologie (FOCAP)
Association between physical activity, overweight and obesity in school children of a low socio-economic status in Toluca, Mexico María Margarita Del Olmo, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Maria Eugenia Peña, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Javier Manzola, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Gender and child health in Egypt: DHS data from 1995 Jamal El Makrini, Université Catholique de Louvain
Child well-being and survival in urban development context, the case of greater Khartoum Yasir A. Elmbark, MENA Child Protection Initiative
Change in suicide rate attributable to individual’s treatment with antidepressants Annette Erlangsen, Aarhus Universitet ; Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Pennsylvania State University
Mortality differentials in a favoured region: the case of the capital of Quebec Marc Ferland, Direction de santé publique de la Capitale nationale ; Michel Pageau, Direction de santé publique de la Capitale nationale
Seasonal labour migration, irrigation and health in Niono, Mali Sally E. Findley, Columbia University ; Seydou Doumbia, Malaria Research and Training Center
New dimensions for studying obesity Yuri Frantsuz, University of Minnesota
Infant mortality by race in Brazil Estela María García de Pinto da Cunha, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Stress and health in the Baltic countries, 1994-1999 Catherine Gaumé, Université Catholique de Louvain
Burden of disease in Spain in 2000: health differentials between women and men Ricard Genova, Instituto de Salud Publica, Comunidad de Madrid ; Elena Alvarez ; Consuelo Morant, Instituto de Salud Publica, Comunidad de Madrid
Neuroendocrine biomarkers, marital relations, and cumulative stress in Taiwan Omer Gersten, University of California, Berkeley
Health status of the elderly and their labour force participation in the selected states of India Soumitra Ghosh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Ageing and family in Mexico Cristina Gomes, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
Healthy life expectancy in Havana in 2000 Madelin Gómez, Universidad de La Habana ; Esther María León Díaz, Oficina Nacional de Estadística, Cuba
Differentials and determinants of infant and child mortality in rural India Sethuraman Gunasekaran, Gandhigram Rural Institute
Health trajectories over the life course: the consequences of childhood health and social background factors Steven A. Haas, Harvard University
Is the HIV/AIDS epidemic accelerating or decelerating population ageing in South Africa? Bärbel B. Haldenwang, Institute for Futures Research
The need for an overhaul of retirement pensions and intergenerational relations Roberto Ham-Chande, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
The economics of the elderly in Mauritius, 2002-2022 Esther Hanoomajee, Independent Consultant
State of health as indicative of well-being in the population aged 50 and over in Mexico and associated factors Mirna Hebrero Martínez, El Colegio de México
Alternative models of Indonesian mortality Mira M. Hidajat, Pennsylvania State University ; Mark D. Hayward, University of Texas ; Latrica E. Best, Pennsylvania State University
Gender and race differences in the impact of obesity on work and economic security in later life in the United States Christine Himes, Syracuse University ; Madonna Harrington Meyer, Syracuse University
Crying mothers and their tale of woes: maternal complications in the north-eastern states of India Ruchi Jain, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Kamla Gupta, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Determinants of maternal mortality: empirical evidence from India Kuriath S. James, University of Kerala
The demographic consequences of gender discrimination: simulation based on public policies Quanbao Jiang, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Liu Huijun, Institute for Population and Development Studies of Xi’an Jiaotong University
Future challenges of population ageing and the health of older persons in South Africa Jané Joubert, Medical Research Council of South Africa ; Debbie Bradshaw, Medical Research Council
Reducing regional health inequalities in France by resource allocation: which approach? Alain Jourdain ; Martine Bellanger, ENSP
Probing the future of mandatory retirement in Canada Don Kerr, University of Western Ontario ; Peter Ibbott, University of Western Ontario
The effect of recent migration on sexual partnership among women interviewed at sites known as meeting places in Burkina Faso Maria Khan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Lisanne Brown, Tulane University ; Nicolas Nagot, Centre Muraz ; Sharon Weir, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Consanguinity and its effect on infant and child mortality in Egypt Rita G. Khayat, University of Notre Dame
Urbanisation, environment, development, and urban policies in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Thanh Le Van, Institute for Economic Research
Exploratory analysis of socio-economic characteristics of elderly persons with functional limitations in seven cities of Latin America and the Caribbean Esther María León Díaz, Oficina Nacional de Estadística, Cuba ; Madelín Gómez León
Mortality among the elderly in the European Union Laura Lorenzo, Instituto de Economía y Geografía, CSIC
Socio-economic differences in suicide mortality by sex in Finland, 1971–2001 Netta Mäki, University of Helsinki ; Pekka Martikainen, University of Helsinki
About disabled people and their quantification in Argentina. Past and present Gladys Massé, INDEC. Argentina ; Cecilia Rodríguez Gauna, INDEC.Argentina
Therapeutic options and health strategies in Cameroon Yves-Merlin Mbouyap Kamtcha
Intergenerational support and family composition of elderly households in Cuba James W. McNally, University of Michigan ; Lindy Williams, Cornell University
Longevity in Siberia depends on place and month of birth Vladimir N. Melnikov, Siberian Independent Institute
Socio-economic determinants of infant mortality: an analysis of two states in India Ritu Kumar Mishra, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Income distribution among the elderly in Canada from 1980 to 2002 Long Mo, Université de Montréal
New data on the shape of the mortality curve at advanced ages Christian Monteil, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) ; Martine Sylvestre
Social security and family in Mexico: formal and informal support systems for the elderly Verónica Montes de Oca, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (UNAM)
Mortality of elderly people: socio-economic differentials and causes of death in Matlab, Bangladesh Golam Mostafa, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
Age-structural transition in Iran and its short and long-term consequences, 2000-2050 Nader Motie-Haghshenas, Ministry of Science, Iran ; Shirin Ahmad-Nia, Ministry of Science, Iran
Demographic shocks and sustainable development in Romania Cornelia Muresan, Université Babes-Bolyai
Demographic aspects of morbidity in Romania Petru Muresan
Are intergenerational relations in crisis in Japan? Kusuto Naito, Université Catholique de Louvain
Differences in child mortality in rural South Africa Nadine Nannan, Medical Research Council ; Debbie Bradshaw, Medical Research Council ; Kobus Herbst, Africa Center for Health and Population Studies
Did the civil war in Lebanon leave a mark on the country's mortality pattern? Hala G. Naufal Rizkallah, Lebanese University ; Tania Faour, Lebanese University
The CLESA project: cross-national study of the determinants of quality of life and health services for the elderly Marianna Noale, Università di Padova ; Nadia Minicuci, Università di Padova ; Carola Bardage, Karolinska Institutet ; Tzvia Blumstein, The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research, Chaim Sheba Medical Center ; Dorly J. H. Deeg, Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine ; Jacob Gindin ; Marja Jylha, University of Tampere ; Suvi Nikula, University of Tampere ; Angel Otero, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid ; Nancy L. Pedersen, Karolinska Institutet ; Saskia M.F. Pluijm, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ; Maria V. Zunzunegui, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid ; Stefania Maggi, Università di Padova
Traffic accident mortality in Brazil: a silent tragedy Ana Maria Nogales Vasconcelos, Universidade de Brasília ; David Duarte Lima, Universidade de Brasília
The impact of decentralized district partnering on scaling up the community-based reform of the health sector in Ghana Frank Nyonator, Ghana Health Service ; James F. Phillips, Population Council ; John K. Awoonor-Williams, Volta Regional Health Administration ; Adams Kasanga, The Population Council
Labour force ageing: its impact on the level and structure of employment in Australia and Japan Ewa Orzechowska-Fischer, Australian National University
Parents’ awareness and perception of the polio eradication programme in Gombe local government area, Gombe State, Nigeria Oyedunni S. Osowole, University of Ibadan ; Joseph A. Obute, UNICEF
Female genital mutilation: an epidemiological approach Jean-Claude Oulai, Université de Bordeaux II
Mortality among the elderly in urban areas of Brazil: socio-economic consequences Neir A. Paes, Federal University of Paraiba - Brazil
Intergenerational coresidence among elderly Pacific Islander Americans Sela V. Panapasa, University of Michigan ; James W. McNally, University of Michigan
Exclusive breastfeeding and child survival in India: relationship revisited in view of the WHO recommendations Arvind Pandey, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR) ; B.N. Bhattacharya, Indian Statistical Institute ; Damodar Sahu, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR) ; Ajay Pandey, Futures Group International (USAID-ITAP)
Inter-generational transfers in Uruguay: the role of older adults Mariana Paredes, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Mortality at older ages: patterns and trends in Portugal Fantina Pedrosa, Universidade do Porto
Return to work after age 60 in Brazil: the weight of private intergenerational transfers Clarice Peixoto, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Trends in the living conditions of older persons in Latin America, 1990-2000: a comparison of three countries Enrique Peláez, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba and CONICET ; Dora Celton, CONICET and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba ; Bruno Ribotta, Centro de Estudios Avanzados - UNC
Demographic window, human capital accumulation and economic growth in China Xiujian Peng, The University of Adelaide
The impact of population ageing on the social security system of Brazil Fernanda Peyneau, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) ; Sonoe Sugahara, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) ; João Luiz Mendonça, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)
Changes in health status and mortality of the elderly population during the transition period in Poland Jozef Pociecha
A revision of Chandra Sekar’s decomposition method and its application to sex differentials in mortality in India Krishna Murthy Ponnapalli, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Atul R. Gandhi, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Individual and family level clustering of child mortality in Orissa Jalandhar Pradhan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Perianayagam Arokiasamy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
From ageing process to ageing problem: will China confront the most serious ageing problems in the world? Xiaochun Qiao, Peking University
The experiences of older workers Robert Raeside, Napier University ; Kaberi Gayen, Napier University
Father’s out-migration and child health and mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh Abdur Razzaque, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; Lutfun Nahar, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; Nizam Khan, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Randall Kuhn, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Shamali Shill, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
The gender mortality differentials in China since the 1980s Qiang Ren, Peking University ; Xiaoying Zheng, Mahidol University ; Guiying Cao, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA)
Estimating AIDS mortality from burial surveillance data in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Georges Reniers, University of Pennsylvania ; Tekebash Araya, Addis Ababa University ; Eduard J. Sanders, Wellcome Trust
Health and work among persons over 60 in Latin America Elisenda Rentería, CEDEPLAR-Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ; Simone Wajnman, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Spatial dynamics of mortality in France Stephane Rican, Espace Santé et Territoire ; Gérard Salem, Université de Paris X, Nanterre ; Eric Jougla, INSERM
Age structure, labour force and education in Costa Rica Arodys Robles, Universidad de Costa Rica
Study of the impact of the public network providing care for addicts in the province of Buenos Aires Carlota Rodríguez Etchebarne ; Verónica Brasesco
On the association between late parental age and the risk of stillbirth: evidence from northern Italy Alessandro Rosina, Università Cattolica, Milan ; Giulia Rivellini, Università Cattolica, Milan
Geography of overweight and obesity in France Gérard Salem, Université de Paris X, Nanterre ; Stephane Rican, Espace Santé et Territoire ; Marie-Laure Kürzinger, Espace Santé et Territoire
The effect of migration on population ageing in Brazil Jomar A. Santana, ABEP
Do childcare arrangements when mothers work affect child health? Anjula Saraff, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Population ageing in Arab countries: future prospects and socio-economic and health consequences Prem C. Saxena, Independent Consultant
Health care behaviour of mothers and child mortality in Bangladesh Abdul Hannan Shaikh
Differential impact of female education on people’s health: an experiment using Indian data Mathada Sivamurthy, Applied Statistics Research Center, Bangalore
Living arrangements and morbidity patterns among the elderly in rural India Harish C. Srivastava, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Nihar R. Mishra, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Contextual influences on the use of health facilities for childbirth in Africa Rob Stephenson, Emory University ; Steve Clements, University of Southampton ; Angela Baschieri, University of Southampton ; Nyovani Madise, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Main challenges for economic and social policy in the context of population ageing in Poland during the economic transition Marcin Stonawski, Cracow University ; Jolanta Kurkiewicz, Cracow University
Socio-economic factors in life trajectories to retirement Leroy O. Stone, Statistics Canada and University of Montreal ; Hasheem Nouroz, Statistics Canada ; Alexandre Genest, Human Resources Development Canada
Gender and coronary disease: a comparison of trends in a target population Sylvie Swales, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Michel Jeanjean, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Catherine Gourbin, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Guillaume Wunsch, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Josianne Duchene, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Erwin Schröder, Université Catholique de Louvain ; Bernard Masuy
Socio–economic implications of ageing in Iran with specific focus on Tehran Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi, Al-Zahra University
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) and inequality creation: a longitudinal analysis in a French hospital Laurence Tain, Université de Lyon 2
Infant and child health: evidence from four Sub-Saharan African countries Emmanuel O. Tawiah, University of Ghana
Prevalence of behavioural risk factors for non-communicable diseases among adults in Kerala, India Sugathan Thattaruparambil, Centre for Survey Research and Management Services ; CR Soman, Health Action by People ; K Sankaranarayanan, Center for Survey Research and Management Services, Kerala ; Simi Elias, Center for Survey Research and Management Services, Kerala
Economically active population and retired persons in the public and private sectors of Senegal in a context of structural adjustment Seydou Touré
Measuring health: construction of a key indicator on health status Sandy Tubeuf, Institut de Recherche et Documentation en Economie de la Santé (IRDES) ; Marc Perronnin, Institut de Recherche et Documentation en Economie de la Santé (IRDES)
A systems wide approach to delivering maternal and neonatal health care in Kenya Charlotte Warren, Population Council ; Wilson Liambila, Population Council ; Jill Keesbury, Population Council, Nairobi
Prevalence of disability among elderly persons in Latin American cities and its correlates Laura R. Wong, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Martha Pelaez, PAHO
Do marital status and living arrangements influence health in Poland? Wiktoria Wroblewska, Institute of Statistics and Demography Warsaw School of Economics
Psychological disposition and self-reported health in old age: an examination of the oldest old in China Zheng Wu, University of Victoria ; Christoph M. Schimmele, University of Victoria
Nutritional situation of women and determinants of obesity in Turkey Sutay Yavuz, Hacettepe University ; Elif Yiğit, Institute of Population Studies ; Eda Köksal, School of Health Technology Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Coping behaviours and social panic in relation to the SARS epidemic Benbo Zhang, Institute of social development ; Erping Wahg, Chinese Academy of Science ; Yiwen Chen, Chinese Academy of Science
Mortality among family members of the oldest-old Chinese Yun Zhou, Peking University ; Feng Tian, China Population and Development Research Center
Social capital and transitions to adulthood in Thailand: empirical Investigation across multiple realms of life Sara Curran, Princeton University ; Sarah Martin, Princeton University ; Amara Soonthorndhada, Mahidol University ; Sirinan Kittisuksathit, Mahidol University