

Monday, July 18 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

1Opening Ceremony

Tuesday, July 19 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

2Aging in developing countries
4The ongoing nuptiality transition in developing countries
5Urbanization, health and poverty
6Environment, climate and population
7Sexual debut in developing countries
8Longevity: the influence of kin ties and early-life conditions
9Infertility and new reproductive technologies
10Anthropological demography

Tuesday, July 19 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

11Gender, health and mortality (1)
12Sexual behaviour and sexuality
13The future of the elderly
14International migration and networks
15Quality of care in reproductive health (2)
16The family in Africa
17Spatial mobility and immobility in developing countries
18Family structure and child wellbeing

Tuesday, July 19 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P1Poster Session 1
20IUSSP General Assembly

Tuesday, July 19 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

21Sexual and reproductive health and family planning
22Family formation
23Data and methods in the study of internal migration
24Intergenerational relations in the context of population ageing
25Vulnerable populations
26New forms of international migration
27Mortality and causes of death in elderly populations in high-income countries
28Time use data and analysis
29Demography of Central Asia

Tuesday, July 19 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

30Reproductive health (1)
31Urban population dynamics
32International migration and employment
33Negotiation, communication and decision-making within couples in developing countries
34The ongoing nuptiality transition in developed countries
35Cultural norms and demographic behaviour in developing countries (2)
36Demographic and socio-economic consequences of adverse mortality and health trends
37Population and development in island countries, states and territories
38Implications of cohort size and population age structure

Tuesday, July 19 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

39Plenary: ICPD Vision: How far has the eleven-year journey taken us?

Wednesday, July 20 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

40The behavioural dimension of the HIV epidemic: risks, perceptions and behaviours
41Fertility decline: onset and stagnation
42Gender, health and mortality (2)
43Innovative methods for the study of family formation
44Migration and health (1)
45Passages to adulthood in developing countries (2)
46Rural population dynamics
47Consequences of poverty reduction strategies
48Demographic theory: new approaches

Wednesday, July 20 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

49Adolescent reproductive health
50Health and mortality in adult populations (1)
51Training Session: Getting Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals: What Editors Look For
52The correlates of low fertility
53The socio-economic impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
54Eastern and Western Europe: convergence and divergence
55Migration and fertility changes in developing countries
56Contribution of genealogies to historical demography and population genetics
57Climate, population, and health

Wednesday, July 20 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P2Poster Session 2

Wednesday, July 20 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

58Population and poverty (1)
59Induced abortion (1)
60Sexual behaviour and HIV
61Migration and health (2)
62Cultural norms and demographic behaviour in developing countries (1)
63Demographic issues in developing countries having low fertility
64Rural exodus of youth in developing countries
65Children in motion: challenges for demographic explanation
66Demographic effects of international migration on receiving countries

Wednesday, July 20 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

67The demography of Africa
68The causes of low fertility
69Contraception and unplanned pregnancies in the developed countries
70Bio-demography and longevity
71Life course transitions in developed countries
72Population and environment linkages in developing countries
73International migration statistics and measurement
74Demography, human rights and ethics
75Statistical methods for population estimates

Wednesday, July 20 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

76Debate. Will policies to raise fertility in low-fertility countries work?

Thursday, July 21 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

77The demography of Asia
78European population day. Reproduction and family structures. Presentation session
79European Population Day. Ageing. Presentation Session
80European population day. Population and urbanisation. Presentation session
81European Population Day. International Migrations. Presentation Session
82The 2000 round of censuses: assessments, revelations
83Non-consensual sexual relations among young females and males in developing countries
84Stochastic projection of demographic parameters
85Intra-family violence

Thursday, July 21 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

86The demography of Arab countries
87European population day. Reproduction and family structures. Round table 1: Desire to have children
88European Population Day. Ageing. Round Table 1. The occupations of the 50 years old and over
89European population day. Population and urbanisation. Round Table 1. Settlement dynamics
90European Population Day. International Migrations. Round Table 1. Can the migration movements of the years to come be predicted?
91Empirical, methodological and theoretical issues in multilevel modelling in demography
92Irregular migration: measurement, determinants, consequences and policy implications
93Applied and business demography
94Interpretations of population history

Thursday, July 21 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P3Poster Session 3

Thursday, July 21 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

95The demography of Latin America
96European population day.Reproduction and family structures. Round table 2. Changes in family structure and living conditions
97European Population Day. Ageing. Round Table 2. The living conditions of the elderly
98European population day. Population and urbanization. Round Table 2. How to make cities work?
99European Population Day. International Migrations. Round Table 2. Integration of immigrant populations in European countries
100Methodologies for data collection and analysis of gender relations
101Male involvement in reproductive health programmes
102The demography of the frontier
103Changing lifestyles and problems associated with overweight and obesity

Thursday, July 21 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

104Quality of care in reproductive health (1)
105European population day. Reproduction and family structures. Round table 3. Family policies and legislation
106European Population Day. Ageing. Round Table 3. Deficiencies and handicaps linked to ageing
107European Population Day. Population and Urbanization. Round Table 3. Cities Networks, Interurban transport infrastructures
108European Population Day. International Migrations. Round Table 3. Non professional migrations
109Demography of indigenous peoples
110Male fertility and sexual behaviour
111Forced migration
112Biomarkers, health and demographic research

Thursday, July 21 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

113European Population Day Debate: Should we worry about the future of Europe’s population ?

Thursday, July 21 / 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

114National Reception

Friday, July 22 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

115Infant and child health
116Determinants of STDs including HIV/AIDS
117Labour market changes and their impact on family formation
118The demography of conflict and violence
119Aging in the developing world
120Evolving patterns of population distribution in highly urbanised countries
121Spatial demography including modelling
122The history of the discipline of demography
123Evolutionary ecology, kinship and reproduction

Friday, July 22 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

124Reproductive health (2)
125Migrant integration
126Mortality and causes of death at old ages: medical, social, economic and demographic determinants
127Ethnic minorities
128Fertility transition in developing countries
129Family networks
130Role of population policy in development
131Epistemology in demography and sociology
132Interplay between employment prospects and socio-demographic dynamics among young people in low-income countries

Friday, July 22 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P4Poster Session 4

Friday, July 22 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

133Adolescent sexuality and contraception
134Longevity and health
135Household demography and living arrangements
136Dynamics of life spaces
137Urbanisation, environment and development
138Window of opportunity: the demographic dividend
139Cultural dimensions of demographic behaviour in industrialized societies
140Population projections and micro-simulations
141Impact of international migration policies

Friday, July 22 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

142The demographic and socio-economic consequences of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
143Trends of international migration flows
144Inequalities in child health and mortality
145Sharing time within the couple and family life
146Children health
147Gender and economics
148The demography of disability: setting new directions
149Mathematical and formal demography
150Population and poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa

Friday, July 22 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

151Debate: Should couples have the right to choose the sex of their children?

Friday, July 22 / 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

152IUSSP General Assembly

Saturday, July 23 / 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

154Passages to adulthood in developing countries (1)
155Training Session. Best Practices in Communicating Research to Effect Change
156Induced abortion (2)
157Consequences of family policies
158Consequences of international migration on areas of origin
159Making health systems work for the poor: the challenges of decentralization in low-income countries
160Multiple identities and statistical measures
161Fertility control in history

Saturday, July 23 / 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

162Population and environment
163Poverty, households and demographic behaviour
164Prospects for below-replacement fertility
165Labour market changes and their demographic correlates
166Male sexuality and contraception
167Demographic changes in developed countries: dependency and social policies
168Circulation and suburbanization
169Non-quantitative methods and strategies
170Minorities and languages

Saturday, July 23 / 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

P5Poster Session 5

Saturday, July 23 / 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

171Population, environment and development
172Maternal health and mortality
173Linkages between masculinity and risk behaviour
174Economics of population ageing and population decline
175Collecting and analysing data on gender
176Migrant integration in developed countries
177Modelling the HIV/AIDS epidemic: demographic impact and interventions
178Sustaining replacement fertility: international comparative studies
179The longitudinal study of health

Saturday, July 23 / 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

180Reproductive health programmes
181Health and mortalilty in adult populations (2)
182Training Session: Learning to use EPP and SPECTRUM: The UNAIDS approach to estimating the demographic impact of HIV/AIDS
183Schooling and demographic change
184Population and poverty (2)
185Migration and the environment
186Demographic aspects of female discrimination: from conception through childhood
187The consequences of marital dissolution
188Population ageing, labour force and international migration

Saturday, July 23 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

189Closing Ceremony